Thursday, October 13, 2011

Much to blog about nothing...except the Bruins.

            The lighting in the packed train dims in and out as it whips by the lights in the tunnel, the music blasts in my ears as I listen to the beat. My brother is sitting next to me laughing at the dirty joke our friend just told him in a whispered voice. The crowd on the train is restless with excited anticipation for what the next several hours will bring. The train comes to its final stop at south station after having completed the short trek from Braintree. Fan by fan the train begins to lighten as the flow of black and gold colors spill out of its doors. My brother, our friend, and I walk with a certain swagger of pride for our team as we head towards the row of doors at the end of the track. As we pass through the doors our senses are overloaded by a euphoria of bright neon signs, and the supersonic hum of a caffeinated crowd preparing for a timeless ritual.
The house of worship is the Boston Garden; the ritual is a Bruins hockey game. The Boston Bruins are my favorite sports team to watch and I one hundred percent believe that they are the best hockey team in the world, second only to team USA. They have the perfect balance of skill, determination, and statistics. Last season when they swept across Canada from East to West going six and done against the best our syrup drinking neighbors could offer, I just knew we were going to get the cup. It also helped that the last time they went undefeated in Canada they won the cup in ’72.
            Watching the bruins score a goal in hockey is the best feeling in the world, there is literally nothing else like it. It’s this rush that only runs through your body for a few seconds maybe even less, but it literally has me standing in applause every time. So far it’s been a rocky start to the season, but with the best goaltender in the NHL, the best defensive line, the largest player (Big Z), and some of the best rookies to play the game, I’d say our chances of winning another cup this year are superb…knock on wood.


  1. your imagery in this post is amazing Tucker. I love how descriptive you were, even though I don't pay much attention to sports your post does a great job of converying the excitment of a die-hard fan to someone like me who has no idea what sport season it is.

  2. I liked the video you linked to the post. I also thought your comparison between the Garden and a house of worship was awesome. You did a great job of showing how passionate you are for our team. Good post Tucker!

  3. Tucker, you do a great job showing your pride and dedication towards the Bruins. As an avid sports fan, i too know what it is like to witness such a spectacle in person. Great job!
