Monday, May 14, 2012

The Prince vs. Hamlet Prince of Denmark

If you want to be supreme overlord of the world then read The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and the secrets to world domination will be  unlocked for you. If you want Religion to impede your progress as you attempt to reclaim your royal birthright then red Hamlet Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare. That is basically in a nutshell what these two books are about in a nutshell. Aspiring Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Emperors and Empresses, and Khals and Khaleesi's should take note of the lessons that can be learned from these two pieces of literature. One of the crucial lessons that can be learned from The Prince is how a prince must handle an internal dispute. A smart prince would take advantage of external forces either allying with them or destroying them would give him/her the merit needed to take power.If only Hamlet had followed the teachings of Machiavelli then maybe he would have lived to become King of the Danes, but instead he chose to ignore external elements, like those of Fortinbras and his army. If Hamlet had allied with or destroyed Fortinbras it would have added a stable base from which to reclaim the throne. Hamlet would have been looked at as the savior of Denmark and would have had more support to become king. But instead Hamlet was blinded like religion which should never get in the way of a prince who follows The Prince.

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